giovedì 31 gennaio 2013

Aperte le preiscrizioni alla ISDE 2013 per i Moto Club italiani

Sono aperte le preiscrizioni alla ISDE 2013.

 Dal 1° gennaio fino al 15 febbraio 2013, i motoclub italiani avranno la possibilità di preiscriversi alla Sei Giorni di Enduro utilizzando il modulo scaricabile dal link sottostante. 

Entro il 28 febbraio, la FMI confermerà l’iscrizione delle squadre accettate.

lunedì 28 gennaio 2013

Emilia-Romagna - Prosegue il dibattito sul Progetto di Legge "REER"

Cesena, 28/1/13. 

 In Emilia Romagna si continua a parlare di REER (il Progetto di Legge Regionale 3351 riguardante la Rete Escursionistica Emiliano Romagnola). Dopo il dibattito tenutosi il 12 gennaio al crossodromo di Carpi, venerdì scorso, nella sede del MC Paolo Tordi - a Cesena - c’è stata grande partecipazione alla riunione informativa riguardante l’iniziativa legilativa. 

Relatori della serata, il Presidente del Comitato Regionale FMI  Emilia-Romagna Gian Carlo Cavina, il vice-presidente Mauro Cocchi, il consigliere regionale Massimiliano Regazzi, il Presidente della Commissione Sviluppo Attività Sportiva della FMI Giovanni Copioli, il presidente del Motoclub  Taro Taro Taro, Luigi Battoglia. Ospiti della serata, il consigliere regionale Luca Bartolini (PDL) e l’Assessore del Comune di Bellaria-Igea Marina Filippo Giorgetti (PDL). Si è dibattuto sugli articoli che compongono il Progetto di Legge REER, spiegato da Bartolini, e sull’analisi dei vincoli restrittivi che questa legge imporrebbe se dovesse essere approvata. Inoltre, si è cercato di improntare un percorso d’azione condiviso, da presentare all’udienza conoscitiva di lunedì 4 Febbraio a Bologna.
In quella data sarà presente il “Gruppo di Lavoro” della Commissione Fuoristrada FMI dell’Emilia Romagna, che si interfaccerà con la Commissione Normative Fuoristrada FMI. La CF Emilia Romagna, coordinata dal reggiano Mauro Cocchi, è composta da un rappresentante per ogni provincia: Barbara Bergonzi (Piacenza), Luigi Battoglia (Parma), Paolo Comastri (Reggio Emilia), Franco Fiorini (Modena), Fabrizio Ghini (Bologna e supervisione trial), Max Regazzi (incarico esplorativo area Romagna Cesena Forlì Rimini) e Maria Giulia Padovani (area Romagna Ravenna/Ferrara)

venerdì 25 gennaio 2013

La FMI al lavoro per garantire il diritto al fuoristrada

In seguito alle molte proteste pervenute sulle difficoltà di circolazione registrate dagli appassionati di fuoristrada (Trial ed Enduro in particolare), la Federazione Motociclistica Italiana tiene a specificare quanto segue.
La FMI sta affrontando, da anni, il problema della circolazione fuoristrada in varie regioni: un tema complesso, tenuto conto che le normative sono di competenza regionale e difficilmente possono essere racchiuse in un dettato uguale per tutti. Abbiamo creato un'apposita Commissione Normative Fuoristrada, con una rete di coordinatori regionali che filtrano le criticità sul territorio e studiano le possibili soluzioni: una strada impervia che sta dando  i primi risultati.

Le vicende politiche lombarde ci hanno fermato, quando eravamo in dirittura di arrivo, con una modifica alla normativa di questa regione che ci avrebbe dato qualche possibilità di circolazione in più. In Piemonte ed Emilia Romagna stiamo cercando di arginare proposte di legge che mettono in difficoltà sopratutto la circolazione degli appassionati. Il Protocollo d'Intesa sottoscritto con il Corpo Forestale dello Stato nel dicembre 2012 consentirà una maggiore comprensione delle nostre esigenze da parte della Forestale stessa.
Invitiamo gli utenti del fuoristrada a porre direttamente all'attenzione della nostra Commissione le loro problematiche specifiche, così da poter intervenire con azioni mirate. D’altro canto stiamo comunicando alle istituzioni locali che, tramite la nostra attività fuoristrada, possiamo portare un indotto positivo per le località montane. Non di minore entità è lo sforzo che stiamo facendo nella comunicazione interna ed esterna, per far capire agli appassionati quale sia il nostro impegno sul tema. Sottolineiamo però che la FMI non difende qualunque comportamento motociclistico: dobbiamo scoraggiare gli atteggiamenti scorretti, che accrescono l'intolleranza verso i praticanti.
In conclusione, per reclamare, come stiamo facendo, il diritto a praticare il fuoristrada, dobbiamo poter dimostrare, più di altri, il rispetto del territorio. E, in merito, siamo certi di poter avere il contributo di molti appassionati.

mercoledì 23 gennaio 2013

I due alfieri Endurology alla Dakar 2013

Lorenzo Napodano e Stefano Rampolla, portacolori del Motoclub Endurology, hanno raggiunto il loro obiettivo, arrivare in fondo alla gara più dura del mondo, La Dakar!
La gara come tutti ormai sanno si svolge in sud America tra Cile, Argentina e Perù su una distanza di 8000 kilometri, kilometro più o kilometro meno.
I nostri due simpatici e pazzerelli piloti ( gia facenti parte di un gruppo di pazzerelli  come gli Endurology ) si sono armati ( da Sandro Tramelli )di due  Honda CRF 450X Rally sapientemente preparate dai tecnici Jolly Racing in collaborazione con il team Boano che ha fornito la logistica  e il supporto in terra sudamericana.
Comunque, vuoi per la moto più che affidabile, vuoi per i supporti ma soprattutto per la tenacia e lo spirito giusto con cui i due Milanesi si sono affacciati al cospetto della Dakar 2013, l'operazione Endurology alla Dakar é superbamente riuscita!!
Lorenzo Napodano e Stefano Rampolla si sono classificati, a Santiago del Cile, al traguardo più ambito al mondo per un rallysta-fuoristradista-endurista etc etc, rispettivamente 107°  e 108° su 125 arrivati a destinazione dopo sabbioni e montagne alte 5-6000 metri, paludi, guadi, pietraie interminabili.
Naturalmente tutto lo staff  TRS e Jolly Racing si congratulano con Lorenzo e Stefano!!

sabato 19 gennaio 2013

One hundred per cent finish in Dakar 2013

Stage 14 - Finish
Date : 19/01/2013

One hundred per cent finish in Dakar 2013
La Serena – Santiago SS14 final stage 122 km liaison – 346 km special – 158 km liaison 

After having covered 8,420 kilometres on all kinds of terrain throughout 14 hard stages, from Peru to Chile passing through Argentina, Helder Rodrigues, Javier Pizzolito and Johnny Campbell finished today’s final stage reaching the target: Santiago. 

The protagonists of the 2013 Dakar had to maintain their concentration for the very last 346 km of a fast stage on stony and hard ground. Only 53 seconds separated Helder Rodrigues, fourth, from stage winner Chaleco Lopez who finished ahead of Faria and Barreda. With Javier Pizzolito,15th and Johnny Campbell 21st, Team HRC celebrated two riders in the top ten overall with Rodrigues and Pizzolito in 7th and 8th place respectively and Johnny Campbell 40th, while
Cyril Despres sealed his fifth Dakar title. 

Having the complete team at the end of the toughest rally in the world was the result of perfect team work with the three Team HRC riders, helping and supporting each other, stage after stage.

When the project started six months ago, the challenge was to be at the starting blocks in Lima with a completely new team and a new machine. Team HRC engineers worked very hard to prepare a competitive machine and on the 5th of January Helder Rodrigues, Javier Pizzolito and Johnny Campbell set off for the 2013 Dakar on board of their CRF 450 Rally.

In a race where a navigation mistake or a small mechanical failure can spoil the whole result, some fuel issues on the second and third days made Team HRC riders lose valuable time and the contact with the first riders.  Despite that, Helder Rodrigues, Javier Pizzolito and Johnny Campbell continued to fight and recover positions. 

Rodrigues was ready to attack on stage 11 to close the gap from the front runners, when a branch caught a wire of the machine, ripping it out and stopping his machine. It was a small problem that had big consequences as Helder had given an incredible performance that would have allowed him to make a big step forward towards the podium.

Team mate Pizzolito gave also a great performance. Javier was very good at preserving the machine and his condition, riding with a constant pace throughout the whole rally on the same engine.

Johnny Campbell couldn’t take advantage of his experience due to a mechanical problem on the third stage that made him lose more than 3 hours, but he scored the team’s best result with a great second place on the 8th stage. Unfortunately a crash the following day compromised his second part of the race, but Johnny continued until the end despite the intense pain from suspected broken ribs.

Helder Rodrigues SS14 4th +0.53”, 7th overall:  
“It was a great challenge and an honour for me to be part of this project and bear the Honda colours on the Dakar. I cannot be happy with my results in terms of my final position because with this team and this machine we had the potential to fight for the podium. We don't have to forget that this is a young project and we couldn’t test as much as we would have liked. We had some bad luck and also some fuel issues on the second and third stage that spoiled our result but the team has worked hard and the bike has improved a lot stage after stage. I’m very satisfied that we are all here in Santiago and that the team is very motivated to continue this experience”.

Javier Pizzolito SS14 15th +4’11”, 8th overall:
 “I’m very satisfied to have finished the Dakar and even happier of the 8th position in the overall classification. After last year unlucky incident where I suffered from a broken femur and elbow, I had to train very hard to prepare this year event. The machine proved to be really reliable as I rode the whole event with one engine. We are very excited and motivated to continue this amazing project”.

Johnny Campbell SS14 21st +6’01”, 40th overall: “This is a brand new team we worked very hard together to get to the finish. Dakar Rally is about keeping the body and the bike together, it was very hard for me after the crash on the 8th stage. It was challenging and hard at the same time, for me to return to racing after 5 years out and to finish this tough rally you need a 100% dedicated preparation. It was a dream come true to race the Dakar with this team and help with bike development”.  
Katsumi Yamazaki, Team HRC Director: “We reached our first target which was to have all the machines get to the end of the rally. It’s the result of great team work, everyone in the team has contributed with a common target in mind. It’s a young project and with 6 months of work we never expected to win, even if we hoped for it, and we have fought hard to get the best possible result. We have faced several issues during the rally and fixed them. In a very competitive race with strong rivals and 14 demanding stages, we have gained an incredible amount of data and experience that will be extremely useful to continue the development of the CRF 450 Rally to return stronger and make a bike capable of winning in 2014. I want to thank Helder, Javier and Johnny, the team members and all our sponsors and partners for their great work and support”. 

SS14 results: 1.Lopez (KTM) 2. Faria (KTM) +0.29”, 3. Barreda (Husqvarna) +0.37”. 4. Helder Rodrigues Team HRC (Honda) +53”, 5. Pedrero (KTM) +1’25”…15. Javier Pizzolito Team HRC (Honda) +4’11”, 21. Johnny Campbell Team HRC +6’01” (Honda) 

Overall Standing  1. Despres (KTM) 2.Faria (KTM) +10’43”, 3.Lopez (KTM) 18’48” 4.Jakes (KTM) +23’54”, 5.Pedrero  (KTM) +55’29”, 7. Helder Rodrigues Team HRC (Honda) +1h11’22” 8. Javier Pizzolito Team HRC (Honda)+1h26’07, 40. Johnny Campbell Team HRC (Honda) +8h11’40

Dakar 2013 - Day 13

Day 13

venerdì 18 gennaio 2013

Dakar 2013 - Day 12

Stage 12 - Chile
Date : 17/01/2013

Fifth and ninth place for Rodrigues and Pizzolito

SS12 Fiambala – Copiapo (392 km liaison – 319 Special - 4 km liaison)

The bikes were the first to leave the Fiambala bivouac this morning at 04:15 am, opening the road that climbs up to 4,700 metres crossing the Andes Mountains from east to west. Passing the San Francisco Pass, the Dakar marathon returns to the Atacama Desert in Chile where the 12th stage of the 2013 Dakar took place.

It was another technical and demanding stage with the major section of big dunes right in the middle of the special, with some difficult rocky and stony tracks at the beginning and at the end of the stage.  Helder Rodrigues finished in the top 5, only 3’35” behind stage winner Frans Verhoeven, Pizzolito worked as a good team mate throughout the stage gaining the 9th position, while Johnny Campbell gave another brave performance, getting to the finish in 45th place, despite the pain and the altitude sickness.

Helder Rodrigues, SS12 5th +3’35”, 8th overall: “When we passed the San Francisco Pass this morning it was freezing, I think the temperatures were below zero. What a difference from the heat of the Atacama desert!  I enjoyed today's stage as navigation was important as well as being fast. At the beginning there were many rocks with a lot of dust and fech fech and then the challenging dunes of the Atacama desert. Today everything went well, the bike worked well and I finished 5th but, unfortunately yesterday I lost the possibility of fighting for a place on the podium. It’s a pity, now I’m 8th overall but I will continue to push and try to get the best possible result for Team HRC”.

Javier Pizzolito, SS12 9th +5’22”, 9th overall: “Navigation was important in this stage and I particularly enjoyed  the big dunes of the Atacama desert, famous because they're very difficult to climb. Today it was a very demanding stage for the body and the machine due to the altitude when we crossed the Pass but also because it was very tiring to face the special after 392 km of liaison. Today our team work was excellent, once I caught Helder, I followed him and we did the special together. I'm now sitting in the top 10 overall and I intend to continue to push and try to improve my final result”.

Johnny Campbell 45th +50’53”, 44th overall: “It was freezing this morning. When I stopped to change gloves I felt dizzy then when we started the descent I felt kind of sleepy because of the altitude sickness. I started the stage feeling weak. Fortunately the pain was less intense, but I rode conservatively as there was no reason to push.  I stopped to help Marc Guasch, who had crashed hitting a rock and then I continued at a nice pace to have fun with the bike and the terrain. It’s a pity that I’m not fit to push but I prefer to ride more conservatively aiming to bring the bike to Santiago”.

SS12 Unofficial results: 1. Verhoeven (Yamaha), 2. Faria (KTM) +1’38”, 3.Barreda (Husqvarna) +3’01, 4. Duclos (sherco) +3’17, 5. Rodrigues Team HRC (Honda) +03’35”..9. Javier Pizzolito Team HRC (Honda) +5’22”, 45. Johnny Campbell Team HRC (Honda) +50’53”
Overall Standing 1.Despres (KTM), 2.Faria (KTM) +5’39”, 3.Lopez (KTM) +13’40, 4 Jakes (KTM) +20’15”, 5.Pedrero (KTM) +41’14”…8. Rodrigues Team HRC (Honda) +1h10’44”, 9. Javier Pizzolito Team HRC (Honda) +1h19’20, 44. Johnny Campbell Team HRC (Honda) +7h37’21”.

Daily Team HRC videos, including action footage, interviews with riders and behind-the-scenes activities are available in a special Dakar 2013 playlist on the Honda Pro Racing YouTube channel. To view, please click this link -

Dakar 2013 -behind the Dakar day 12

mercoledì 16 gennaio 2013

Dakar 2013 - Day 10

Stage 10 - Argentina
Date : 15/01/2013

Team HRC moving forward

SS10 Cordoba – La Rioja 37km liaison – 357 special stage – 242 k liaison

It was another long day for the Team HRC riders in the mountainous region that links Cordoba to La Rioja. Riders tackled first the rocky narrow tracks, like enduro racing, reaching almost 2,000 meters before dropping back down to 357 meters in La Rioja where the thermometer registered 50 degrees. All in all it was a technical and varied stage with twisty tracks mixed with fast hard pack paths.

Starting 5th, Helder Rodrigues rode consistently in the first part of the stage and lost some time in the final section eventually finishing 9th, 09’34” behind stage winner Joan Barreda, who claimed his 4th Dakar stage victory. Argentinian Javier Pizzolito started 27th and fought against the dust, enabling him to recover positions once the track was clear, finishing 14th.
It was a hard day for Johnny Campbell, who rode for 8 hours despite the intense pain due to yesterday’s injuries, complicated by another crash while crossing a river where the ground was particularly slippery.

With 4 stages still to go, the race is still open and Helder Rodrigues gained another position in the overall standings and is now sitting in 6th place, 34’19” behind Cyril Despres who leads the general classification. Also Javier Pizzolito moves one position up, from 12th to 11th and the same for Johnny Campbell from 52nd to 51st.

Helder Rodrigues, SS10 9th +9’34”, 6th overall: “It was a varied stage with some twisty paths in the mountains followed by some fast tracks with several dangers that were not signalled in the road book. I think starting 9th is not bad for tomorrow as it will be a sandy and more technical stage”. 

Javier Pizzolito, SS10 14th +12’56”, 11th overall: “I was slowed by the dust till km 100, then I managed to pass a couple of riders and with a clear path I was able to push till the end, gaining some positions”. 

Johnny Campbell SS10 21st +23’00”, 51st overall: “I would have liked to be on top form for today because the scenery was great. I liked the nice twisty mountain trail, but I was still suffering from yesterday’s injuries. Things got more complicated when I lost the bike crossing a river bed where the ground was very slippery. I tried to regain some strength in the liaison but riding for 8 hours is very demanding  especially when you are not 100% and I had a lot of pain in my ribs”.

SS10 Unofficial results: 
1. Barreda (Husqvarna) 2. Despres (KTM) +1’15”, 3. Goncalves (Husqvarna) +2’44”, 4. Pedrero (KTM) +4’27, 5. Caselli (KTM) +6’56….9. Helder Rodrigues Team HRC +9’34”, 14. Javier Pizzolito Team HRC (Honda) +12’56”, 21. Johnny Campbell Team HRC (Honda) +23’00

Dakar 2013 - Day 10

martedì 15 gennaio 2013

Helder Rodrigues nei top 5 - Day 9

Top 5 position for Helder Rodrigues

SS9 Tucuman – Cordoba  852 km (176 km liaison – 593 km special – 83 km liaison)
After the rest day in Tucuman, Team HRC riders today tackled the longest stage of the Dakar 2013 with a 593-km long special split into 2 timed sections with 122 km of neutralised sector.  
Starting second, Johnny Campbell was able to take advantage of the fast tracks followed by a more technical part. He rode with a good consistent pace, finishing the first special in third position behind Despres and Barreda.  Despite  a small crash at the beginning of the second stage that made him stop to replace the front brake lever, he finished in the top ten. 
Team mate Rodrigues was 2nd at the CP1 but lost valuable time finishing 8th at the end of the first special stage, although he was able to recover in the second timed section. With today’s 5th position Helder moves up into  7th position overall, 31’23” behind Faria who leads the general classification.  
A difficult day for Javier Pizzolito who was not comfortable on the rocky terrain and preferred not to take too many risks. Finishing 26th overall, the Argentinian rider lost 2 positions and now sits in 12th place overall.

Helder Rodrigues SS9 5th +8’47, 7th overall: 
“It was a long day, the navigation was not difficult but it was hard for the machine, the tyres and our bodies. I didn’t want to take too many risks as it was quite dangerous out there so I’m happy with my result”.
Johnny Campbell SS9 10th +14’56, 52nd overall: "I was third at the end of the first special but I made a mistake at the beginning of the second stage that spoiled today’s result. I came into a corner too fast and I couldn’t slow down so I lost the bike and I crashed, breaking the front brake lever  which I had to replace. My bike was also damaged at the back but I managed to make it to the end, despite the pain in my ribs. Today’s terrain was tough for the machine and the tyres, but our Pirelli tyres worked very well”.
Javier Pizzolito SS9 26th +30’58, 12th overall: “It was a tricky and technical stage especially the rocky section in the mountains and I wasn’t comfortable so I preferred to ride safely and wait for the last part of the stage that had softer ground”. 

SS9 Unofficial results 
1. Despres (KTM), 2, Barreda (Husqvarna) +04’03, 3.Botturi (Husqvarna) +5’14, 4.Faria (KTM) +7’47, 5.Rodrigues Team HRC (Honda) +08’47… 10. Johnny Campbell Team HRC (Honda) +14’56” 26.Javier Pizzolito Team HRC (Honda) +30’58”

Overall standing
: 1.Faria (KTM) 2.Despres (KTM) +5’23 3.Lopez (KTM) +09’03 4.Jakes (KTM) +16’56 5.Botturi (Husqvarna) +22’58… 7.Helder Rodrigues Team HRC (Honda) +31’23, 12. Javier Pizzolito Team HRC (Honda) +46’50, 52.Johnny Campbell Team HRC (Honda) 5h52’53

DAKAR 2013 - Day 9

Il giorno più lungo, che ha messo a dura prova i piloti e i mezzi.

lunedì 14 gennaio 2013

giovedì 10 gennaio 2013

Dakar 2013 - Quinta tappa

Dakar 2013 - Quarta tappa

Helder Rodrigues rimonta alcune posizioni nella classifica generale.

martedì 8 gennaio 2013

lunedì 7 gennaio 2013

Team HRC 2a Tappa - si entra nella gara vera

The first 'proper' stage on Dakar 2013, when Team HRC rider Helder Rodrigues ran out of fuel but was helped home by team-mate Javier Pizzolito.

Team HRC - Dakar 2013, day one

Day one of Dakar 2013 and Honda returns for the first time in 24 years. Check back each day for a Team HRC Dakar update

mercoledì 2 gennaio 2013

Alla Dakar 2013!!

Il team Endurology va alla Dakar, si chiama DAkar ma é in Sudamerica da qualche anno, oramai lo sanno tutti.
Anche il simpaticissimo Team di pazzoidi Milanesi lo sa ( altrimenti sarebbe andato alla Africa Eco Race, che é in Africa davvero ), ma questa é un'altra gara.
Tornando alla Dakar, i nostri amici Stefano Rampolla n° di gara 170 e Lorenzo Napodano n° di gara 171, si presentano al via a Lima esattamente tra 4 giorni, con due meravigliose CRF 450X preparate da dio, anzi da Team TRS e Team Boano.
I nostri fortissimi in bocca al lupo ai due Endurology, che guideranno le loro HM Honda per 8000 Kilometri, 14 tappe attraversando Perù Argentina e Cile con arrivo a Santiago.

Foto: È' tutto fottutissimamente veroooo!!!!!!!!!!I ferri sono arrivati, pronti a spalancare nei sabbioni sudamericani!!!!!siete i ns eroi!!!
La CRF 450R di Lorenzo Napodano